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- Key Economic Indicators
- (Millions of U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted)
- 1992 1993 1994 1/
- Income, Production and Employment:
- Real GDP 2/ 45,339 42,482 43,296
- Real GDP Growth Rate (pct.) 4.9 -0.7 1.5
- GDP (at current prices) 2/
- By Sector:
- Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing 4,286 3,752 N/A
- Industry 17,109 15,809 N/A
- Distribution/Transport/
- Communication 7,572 7,280 N/A
- Public Administration/Defense 2,676 2,502 N/A
- Other Domestic 15,633 14,777 N/A
- Adjustment for Financial
- Services -1,936 -1,638 N/A
- GDP at Factor Cost 45,339 42,482 N/A
- Plus Taxes on Expenditure 8,128 7,158 N/A
- Less Subsidies -2,487 -2,497 N/A
- GDP at Market Prices 50,978 47,143 53,607
- Exports of Goods and Services 31,744 29,828 33,877
- Real Per Capita GDP 21,712 18,207 18,555
- Labor Force (000's) 3/ 1,364 1,378 1,391
- Unemployment Rate (standardized) 15.5 15.75 15.25
- Money and Prices: (annual percentage growth)
- Money Supply (M3) (year-end) 9.0 22.3 8.4
- (year-to-year pct. change) (Aug)
- Associated Banks' Prime
- Lending Rate (avg.) 19.00 7.19 5.81
- (Sept)
- Commercial Interest Rates
- Over 1 Year-Up to 3 Years (avg) 15.25 10.25 8.90
- (July)
- Savings Interest Rate 6.50- 0.75- 0.50-
- Investment Share Accounts 10.75 4.00 3.00
- (July)
- Investment Rate:
- 1-Year to Maturity 13.13 5.74 6.16
- (July)
- 10-Year to Maturity 10.12 6.26 8.44
- (July)
- Consumer Price Index 108.2 109.8 117.1
- (base 1985 as 100) (2nd qtr)
- Retail Sales Index 106.2 109.4 116.2
- (base 1990 Aa 100) (2nd qtr)
- Wholesale Price Index 106.4 N/A N/A
- (base 1985 as 100)
- Exchange Rate ($/IP) 1.70 1.46 1.53
- (3rd qtr)
- Balance of Payments and Trade:
- Total Exports (FOB) 4/ 27,853 28,378 32,240
- Exports to U.S. 5/ 2,260 2,500 N/A
- Total Imports (CIF) 4/ 22,137 21,348 24,156
- Imports from U.S. 5/ 2,860 2,700 N/A
- Aid from the E.U. (000s) 6/ 19,465 17,520 18,360
- Aid from the U.S. (000s) 15,590 19,211 19,600
- Gross Public Sector Foreign Debt 18,455 17,922 18,918
- (external government debt)
- Debt Service Payments (paid) 4,004 3,489 N/A
- Gold and Foreign Exch. Reserves 5,535 6,246 6,850
- (official external reserves) (June)
- Trade Balance 5,716 7,030 8,084
- Trade Balance with U.S. 600 200 N/A
- N/A--Not available.
- 1/ Forecasts.
- 2/ GDP at factor cost.
- 3/ Annual averages.
- 4/ Merchandise trade.
- 5/ U.S. Department of Commerce figures.
- 6/ Aid from the European Union for the years 1995 through 1997
- will be increased to USD 24 million per year following the
- ceasefires in Northern Ireland.
- Sources: Central Bank of Ireland (CBI); Central Statistics
- Office (CSO); Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI);
- Irish Trade Board (ITB); Department of Enterprise and
- Employment (DEE).
- 1. General Policy Framework
- Ireland has a small open economy which is very dependent on
- trade. Exports of goods and services in 1993 were equivalent
- to 77 percent of GNP, while imports were equivalent to 61
- percent of GNP. Government policies are generally formulated
- to facilitate trade and inward direct investment. Ireland has
- a market economy, which is based primarily on private
- ownership. Government ownership and control of companies
- generally occurs in those sectors which are considered by the
- government to be natural monopolies, those in which the state
- has stepped in to assist failing firms, or those of special
- importance to the economy. In the majority of cases,
- government owned firms are operated on a commercial basis, and
- may be in competition with privately owned firms in the same
- sector. In recent years the government has reduced its share
- holding in a number of companies which are considered viable.
- Government policy is heavily influenced by sustained high
- unemployment, 15 percent seasonally adjusted in September
- 1994. A young and growing work force will continue to put
- pressure on the labor market in Ireland through the end of the
- century and emigration will likely continue at a significant
- scale.
- Fiscal Policy: In 1993, Ireland's government debt was
- approximately IP 30 billion, of which about IP 12 billion was
- denominated in foreign currencies. The debt has generally been
- financed by the sale of government securities. The vast
- majority of the debt was accumulated in the 1970's and early
- 1980's, partly as a result of oil price shocks, but more
- generally as a result of expanding social welfare programs and
- government employment. The debt grew rapidly in the late
- 1970's and early 1980's due to increased interest rates and
- large government deficits. However, successive governments
- have made considerable progress during the past seven years in
- reducing budget deficits and containing the growth of total
- debt.
- Ireland ratified the Uruguay Round agreement and is a
- founding member of the World Trade Organization.
- In recent years, most collective bargaining in Ireland has
- taken place in the context of a national economic program. A
- new program, the Program for Competitiveness and Work (PCW) was
- agreed to by representatives of government, unions, employers
- and farmers in February 1994 and was a major element of the
- government's success in fostering economic growth. The PCW is
- Ireland's third centralized pay agreement and replaces the
- Program for Economic and Social Progress (PESP) which expired
- in December 1993. These programs are credited with providing a
- favorable economic climate for strong growth in Irish GNP since
- 1987. The PCW contains similar provisions to the previous
- programs for moderate wage increases and improvements in
- government finances. Government budget deficits fell
- dramatically while exports, investment and consumer spending
- showed strong growth. Unemployment has begun to decline, but,
- the expanding Irish economy is unlikely to make a significant
- impact on Ireland's high unemployment rate. The Irish
- labor-economic environment is remarkably open. With over a
- half-million Irish working outside Ireland, particularly in the
- U.K., the robust economy usually attracts home many emigres
- offsetting any temporary reduction in unemployment due to
- emigration. Projections for 1994 indicate that government
- borrowing will be about 2.7 percent of GNP.
- Irish tax policies have a major effect on personal
- consumption and demand for imported goods. Personal income tax
- rates are high in Ireland. Over the last few years, in
- conjunction with the massive reduction in public borrowing
- which was achieved, the government made substantial progress in
- reducing the standard and higher income tax rates by six
- points. Income tax rates did not change in the 1994 budget,
- however, and remain at 27 and 48 percent. Approximately 62
- percent of Irish tax payers are in the 27 percent standard rate
- bracket. The controversial one percent income levy which was
- introduced in the 1993 budget was abolished in 1994. Irish
- value added tax (VAT) rates are among the highest in the
- European Union (EU) and were streamlined in the 1993 budget,
- and remain unchanged. The standard corporate income tax rate
- in Ireland is 40 percent. Manufacturing firms and many
- exporting firms pay only 10 percent on corporate income under
- special arrangements designed to boost industrial development.
- Monetary Policy: Ireland's monetary policies are aimed
- primarily at maintaining exchange rate stability within the
- European Monetary System (EMS), which Ireland joined in 1979.
- Interest rates are the predominate tool used by the Central
- Bank to affect monetary variables.
- 2. Exchange Rate Policies
- Until 1979, the Irish pound was pegged to the pound
- sterling. In March 1979, Ireland joined the Exchange Rate
- Mechanism (ERM) of the EMS and broke its link to the British
- currency. It has, however, endeavored to maintain a stable
- competitive exchange rate against sterling due to the large
- amount of trade between Ireland and the U.K. Following changes
- to the ERM in August, 1993, membership in the ERM now involves
- a commitment to maintain the Irish currency within a 15 percent
- band against other ERM currencies. The Irish pound has been
- adjusted downward three times since Ireland joined the EMS.
- Adjustments were 3.5 percent in 1983, 8.0 percent in 1986 and
- 10 percent in 1993. As part of the Common Agricultural Policy
- (CAP) of the EU, Ireland has maintained multiple exchange rates
- (known as green currency exchange rates) on agricultural goods
- subject to the CAP. Devaluation of these rates usually mirror
- those of the Irish currency.
- In accordance with Ireland's EU obligations the removal of
- all remaining existing exchange controls took place in December
- 1992, bringing to an end the Irish Exchange Controls Act of
- 1954-1990. New legislation was introduced in order to ensure,
- among other things, that the government can continue to impose
- financial sanctions (i.e. on Iraq and the former Yuguslavia)
- under its international obligations.
- Ireland is a signatory to Article VIII of the International
- Monetary Fund Agreement, regarding freedom of current payments
- (including payments for goods and services imported) between
- residents and non-residents. In addition, Ireland subscribes
- to the Code of Liberalization of Capital Movements and the Code
- of Liberalization of Current Invisible Operations of the OECD.
- 3. Structural Policies
- In October 1991, the Irish Government adopted a new
- Competition Act. The legislation marks a shift from the
- previous system of restrictive practices orders and
- administrative control, to a system which allows claims of
- anticompetitive behavior to be pursued in the courts. As a
- result, the government has revoked price controls on petroleum
- products and all other restrictive practice orders. Controls
- on below cost selling of grocery and food items do exist.
- Tax Policies: The Irish tax system for corporations favors
- manufacturing and exporting companies. Those companies pay
- income tax of only 10 percent, compared to the normal rate of
- 40 percent. This gap encourages the development of export and
- manufacturing industries, and discourages growth in other
- industries. The 10 percent corporate tax rate (manufacturing
- companies) has been extended by the government to the year
- 2010. Personal income tax rates are relatively high,
- encouraging tax avoidance at all income levels, which has led
- to the creation of a "black economy" estimated at between IP
- 1.5 and 3 billion, or between five and ten percent of GNP.
- In the 1994 budget, the standard rate tax band was extended
- from USD 23,486 to USD 25,092 for a married couple and from
- USD 11,743 to USD 12,546 for a single person. Together with
- improvements in personal allowances, this resulted in the
- threshold for the higher tax rate, in the case of most
- employees, being increased to USD 33,945 if married, and
- USD 17,803 if single. While these measures help some lower
- paid workers, the middle income class still bears a heavy tax
- burden. Many pay an additional 7.75 percent of their earnings
- for a variety of social security programs. Value-added tax
- (VAT) rates are among the highest in the European Union (EU)
- and were streamlined in the 1994 budget. The national standard
- rate of VAT remains at 21 percent. The lowest VAT rate of 12.5
- percent is to be maintained for labor intensive services,
- including the construction sector. A zero or 2.5 percent rate,
- however, will apply to certain items. VAT rates and many
- excise taxes are the subject of harmonization in the EU. The
- completion of the Single Market has eased the movement of
- products between EU member states and has, since January 1,
- 1993, eliminated many customs controls in Ireland for items of
- EU origin.
- Regulatory Policies: Government investment incentives are
- weighted in favor of high technology, export oriented
- companies. Capital grants by the Irish Industrial Development
- Authority (IDA) reportedly have tended to favor capital
- intensive investments over labor intensive ones.
- 4. Debt Management Policies
- Ireland's total exchequer debt amounted to about IP 30
- billion, or about 102 percent of estimated 1993 GNP, from 99.6
- percent at end-1992. The increase is attributable to the
- adjustment of the Irish pound within the exchange rate
- mechanism (ERM). The downward trend in the debt/GNP ratio in
- evidence each year, from 125 percent in 1987, is expected to
- resume in 1994 and is now on line to achieve the 60 percent
- target set by the Maastricht Treaty. While the debt has
- continued to grow in nominal terms, it has fallen significantly
- as a percentage of GNP since 1987. The foreign portion of the
- debt is IP 12.2 billion. As of June 1994, 15.6 percent of
- foreign debt was dollar denominated, 25.6 percent was in
- deutsch marks, 16.9 percent in Swiss francs, 11.2 percent in
- Japanese yen, 10.3 percent was in Sterling, 8.7 percent in
- European currency units (ECU), and lesser amounts in Dutch
- guilders, French francs, and Austrian schillings. Debt service
- costs in 1993 were USD 3.5 billion, about 10.9 percent of
- estimated Irish exports of goods and services and about 8.4
- percent of GNP. In 1991 the government created an independent
- agency to manage the debt, the National Treasury Management
- Agency (NTMA).
- 5. Significant Barriers to U.S. Exports
- Ireland maintains a limited number of barriers to U.S.
- services trade. Airlines serving Ireland may provide their own
- ground handling services, but are prohibited from providing
- ground handling services to other airlines.
- The Irish banking and insurance sectors are slowly becoming
- deregulated. Full deregulation in insurance will not occur
- until 1998. An immediate opportunity for U.S. companies exists
- in the Dublin International Financial Services Center (IFSC).
- This center offers interested U.S. companies the opportunity to
- establish an EU financial base. The IFSC is attracting
- international financial services such as asset financing,
- captive insurance, fund and investment management, and
- corporate treasury measurement. Qualified financial services
- companies have a maximum tax of 10 percent, guaranteed by the
- government through the year 2005. The deadline for granting
- IFSC licences is December 31, 1994. The special corporation
- tax rate of 10 percent applies in the IFSC until the end of
- 2005, but the EU deadline means only companies obtaining
- licences before December 31, 1994 will qualify for the special
- tax rate. The United States has the second largest
- representation at the IFSC with approximately 45 projects.
- Exchange controls on foreign travel by Irish citizens have
- been eliminated. Although they have been liberalized in recent
- years, Ireland still maintains some of the strictest animal and
- plant health import restrictions in the EU. These, together
- with EU import duties, effectively exclude many meat based
- foods, fresh vegetables and other agricultural products.
- The EU directive on broadcasting activities was adopted on
- October 3, 1989. The primary purpose of the directive is to
- promote the free flow of broadcasting services across national
- boundaries. Separately, the Council of Europe agreed to a
- convention on transfrontier broadcasting which is largely the
- same as the EU directive. The main components of the directive
- are (a) general provisions which require member states to
- ensure freedom of reception of broadcasts from other member
- states; (b) provisions for the promotion of distribution and
- production of television programs; (c) provisions for
- advertising, sponsorship, the protection of minors, and right
- of reply. Many of the provisions of the directive have been
- transposed into law under the Broadcasting Act, 1990. Two sets
- of statutory regulations were used to transpose the remaining
- provisions, as follows. (1) The EU Communities (Television
- Broadcasting) Regulations, 1991 Directive requires broadcasters
- to reserve a majority of broadcast time for productions of EU
- origin and to reserve at least 10 percent of transmission time
- or budget for independently produced European programs. (2)
- The Wireless Telegraphy (Television Program Retransmission and
- Relay) Regulations 1991 amends the regulations under which
- cable and multichannel microwave distribution systems (MMDS)
- licenses are issued. In short, MMDS operators will no longer
- require approval in advance of relaying a service. The Irish
- government is concerned about minority languages and cultures,
- but has not been a major player on this issue.
- 6. Export Subsidies Policies
- Export sales relief (ESR) was discontinued in April 1990 in
- line with Ireland's EU obligations. Companies manufacturing
- goods in Ireland benefit from a reduced rate of corporation tax
- of 10 percent on their profits. Stockholders of companies
- eligible for this program paid income tax of only 10 percent on
- dividends received from the company, rather than the normal tax
- rate (27-48 percent). This program will expire at the end of
- the year 2010. There are no tax or duty exemptions on imported
- inputs except for those companies located in the Shannon Duty
- Free processing zone and Ringaskiddy Port. Ringaskiddy is
- Ireland's major deep water port located in the Cork harbor
- complex. The Shannon Duty Free processing zone benefits from
- the reduced rate of corporation tax of 10 percent, while
- Ringaskiddy does not. No duties are levied at Shannon Free
- Zone on goods destined for non-EU countries.
- The Irish Trade Board (Bord Trachtala), provides a single,
- integrated range of marketing support services for companies
- selling in Ireland and developing export sales. As of
- January 1, 1992, the government provides export credit
- insurance for political risk and medium-term commercial risk in
- accordance with OECD guidelines. Export credit insurance for
- short-term commercial risk is available from the private
- insurance sector. As a participant in the Common Agricultural
- Policy (CAP) of the EU, the Irish Department of Agriculture
- Food & Forestry administers CAP export refund and exchange rate
- programs on behalf of the EU Commission.
- 7. Protection of U.S. Intellectual Property
- Ireland supports strong protection for intellectual
- property rights. The government encourages foreign investment,
- especially in high tech industries. Consequently, protection
- of intellectual property rights has been an important part of
- the government's business policy. Protection is generally on a
- par with other developed countries in Europe, and the
- government is responsive to problems which arise.
- Patents: Following the enactment in February, 1992 of the
- Patents Act, 1992, Ireland ratified the European Patent
- Convention and the Patent Cooperation Treaty. The Convention
- and the Treaty entered into force, as did the 1992 Patents Act,
- on August 1, 1992. The Act updates national law in a number of
- important respects and the substantive law is in line with that
- of other European countries that have harmonized their laws on
- the basis of the European Patent Convention. The new
- legislation will also facilitate speedier processing of patent
- applications; it provides for a patent term of 20 years and
- contains provision for the grant of short-term patents (half
- the duration of the normal patent) in the interest of
- small/medium innovators. Legislation extending the term of
- protection of products covered by medicinal patents came into
- force on January 2, 1993, S.I. 125 of 1993. The amendment of
- the Constitution approved by the referendum held in June 1992
- has cleared the way for Ireland's ratification of the agreement
- relating to EU patents.
- Trademarks: Existing trademark legislation in Ireland does
- not specifically cover service industry trademarks, although
- some court cases have extended protection to trademarks in
- service industries.
- Copyrights: Copyright protection in Ireland is generally
- considered to be good. However, industry sources have
- indicated that penalties for infringement of copyrights on
- video tapes are not sufficiently severe to curb pirating. The
- entire copyright system is under review and new copyright
- legislation will be introduced in 1995. EU directives will be
- included in the new legislation.
- 8. Worker Rights
- a. The Right of Association
- Irish Workers have the right to associate freely and to
- strike. The right to join a union is guaranteed by law, as is
- the right to refrain from joining. The Industrial Relations
- Act of 1990 provides members and officials of unions immunities
- for industrial actions taken with regard to terms or conditions
- of employment. The Act contains some limitations on
- picketing. A code of practice, drawn up by the Labor Relations
- Commission, was introduced by the government in June, 1993. It
- lays down guidelines of duties and responsibilities of employee
- representatives and the protection and facilities to be granted
- to them by employers.
- About 48 percent of all private sector workers and 52
- percent of all public sector workers are trade union members.
- Police and military personnel are prohibited from joining
- unions or striking, but they may form associations to represent
- them in matters of pay, working conditions, and general
- welfare.The right to strike is freely exercised in both the
- public and private sectors.
- The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU), which represents
- unions in both the Republic and Northern Ireland, has 68 member
- unions with 681,138 members. Mergers have steadily reduced the
- number of unions affiliated to the ICTU in recent years, but
- union membership numbers are up by 20,000 since 1987. Both the
- ICTU and the unaffiliated unions are independent of the
- government and of the political parties. The ICTU is
- affiliated with the European Trade Union Confederation.
- b. The Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively
- Labor unions have full freedom to organize and to engage in
- free collective bargaining. Legislation prohibits antiunion
- discrimination. In recent years, most terms and conditions of
- employment in Ireland are determined through collective
- bargaining in the context of a national economic program.
- Representatives of government, unions, employers and farmers
- agreed to a new program, the Program for Competitiveness and
- Work (PCW) in February 1994. It was a major element of the
- government's success in fostering economic growth. The PCW is
- Ireland's third centralized pay agreement in recent years and
- replaces the PESP which expired in 1993. These programs are
- credited with providing a favorable economic climate for the
- strong growth in Irish GNP since 1987. The declared aim of the
- new program, which provides for pay raises amounting to eight
- percent over three years to employees in the public and private
- sectors, is to help create a substantial number of new jobs.
- Pay increases in the private sector will be calculated on the
- basis of 2 percent of basic pay for the first 12 months of the
- Agreement; 2.5 percent for the second 12 months; 2.5 percent
- for the first six months of the third year; and 1 percent for
- the second six months of the third year. In the public sector,
- pay increases will be calculated on the basis of 2 percent of
- basic pay for 12 months starting five months after the expiry
- date of the PESP pay agreement; 2 percent for the next twelve
- months; 1.5 percent for the next four months; 1.5 percent for
- the next three months; and 1 percent for the remaining six
- months of the Agreement. The government expects the plan to
- help increase employment by 60,000 over the next three years.
- It also plans to create 100,000 jobs for the unemployed in
- community work schemes. Of critical importance to unions and
- employers are the moderate pay elements of the PCW and the
- promise of industrial peace. The PCW has been ratified by all
- the negotiating bodies.
- The Industrial Relations Act of 1990 established the Labor
- Relations Commission which provides advice and conciliation
- services in industrial disputes. The Commission may refer
- unresolved disputes to the Labor Court. The Labor Court,
- consisting of an employer representative, a trade union
- representative, and an independent chairman, may investigate
- trade union disputes, recommend the terms of settlement, engage
- in conciliation and arbitration, and set up joint committees to
- regulate conditions of employment and minimum rates of pay for
- workers in a given trade or industry.
- c. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
- Forced or compulsory labor is prohibited by law and does
- not exist in Ireland. However, portions of the 1894 Merchant
- Shipping Act are considered by the International Labor
- Organization (ILO) to be inconsistent with the prohibition on
- forced or compulsory labor.
- d. Minimum Age of Employment of Children
- Under Irish legislation, the minimum age for employment of
- children is 15 years. Children over 14 years are permitted to
- carry out light, non-industrial work during school holidays
- with the written permission of the parents. Irish laws limit
- the working hours in any week for young persons aged between 15
- and 16 years to eight hours per day up to a maximum of 40 hours
- in any week. The normal working hours are 37.5 hours a week.
- Young persons aged between 16 and 18 years may work a normal
- day of eight hours and a maximum of nine hours in any day. The
- normal work week is 40 hours, with a maximum of 45 hours.
- These provisions are effectively enforced by the Minister for
- Enterprise and Employment. The EU is adopting a new directive
- on the protection of young people at work.
- e. Acceptable Conditions of Work
- There is no general minimum wage legislation. However,
- some workers are covered by minimum wage laws applicable to
- specific industrial sectors, mainly those in which wages tend
- to be below the average. A government submission to an EC
- Commission white paper on "Growth, Competitiveness and
- Employment" suggested that a minimum wage policy could hinder
- job creation and recommended that the EC assess the potential
- effects on employment, of any such proposal to regulate the
- labor market. In 1993 the average weekly wage was USD 371 (in
- 1993 IRP 1 was equivalent to USD 1.46) for production and
- transport workers. Working hours in the industrial sector are
- limited to 9 hours per day and 48 hours per week. Overtime is
- limited to 2 hours per day, 12 hours per week, and 240 hours in
- a year. As part of the new national economic pact adopted in
- 1993, the standard work week is being gradually reduced to 39
- hours. The Department of Enterprise and Employment enforces
- four basic laws dealing with occupational safety that provide
- adequate and comprehensive coverage.
- f. Rights in Sectors with U.S. Investment
- Worker rights described above are applicable in all sectors
- of the economy, including those with significant U.S.
- investment.
- Extent of U.S. Investment in Selected Industries.--U.S. Direct
- Investment Position Abroad on an Historical Cost Basis--1993
- (Millions of U.S. dollars)
- Category Amount
- Petroleum (1)
- Total Manufacturing 5,122
- Food & Kindred Products 363
- Chemicals and Allied Products 2,340
- Metals, Primary & Fabricated 198
- Machinery, except Electrical -14
- Electric & Electronic Equipment 762
- Transportation Equipment 52
- Other Manufacturing 1,420
- Wholesale Trade 159
- Banking (1)
- Finance/Insurance/Real Estate 3,389
- Services 684
- Other Industries 52